My name is Ana, I am Venezuelan from a Colombian family living in Spain since I was ten years old. I like theater, dance, cinema, all forms of expression that can or cannot be called art, creating stories, seeing them and feeling them. It is for this reason that I decided to invest time and space to train as an actress and currently as a screenwriter. I have training in dramatic art and film scriptwriting, I do not rule out in the future expanding my training to other branches that can complement these trainings. I hope in the future to be able to contribute my artistic grain to the world around me, at the moment I only seek to broaden my view, unlock old narratives and propel myself towards unknown places that help me empower myself and continue growing.
For me, it is enriching to see beyond cultures, to be able to listen to them and understand them. As I said in my introduction, I live in a country where I was not born. It is here where I have had to gradually learn and integrate two different ways of living and seeing life. I live in a city where luckily there is a diversity of languages, cultures and different lifestyles. In my future audiovisual projects, I would like to capture everything that I have absorbed from this mix of cultures in which I have found myself immersed by chance.