Natasha Moutran, artist name Yuna Earth is Lebanese-English and is currently based in Portugal where she is creating & sharing her music, as well as helping women go deeper into their sovereignty and sexuality through movement & exploration. She is a musician, entrepreneur, wild woman & sacred sexuality facilitator.

Q: Tell us your story?
A: The short version is that I began studying drama then ended up a musician, visionary & facilitator. The one constant throughout everything has been meditation, which I’ve been doing since I was about nine years old. But only at 25 I decided to do a yoga training. Towards the end of my six month training, my mum passed away very suddenly, and because of that grief and trauma, I understood the value of speaking through what I had been experiencing, to help others. So that's what I did. I facilitated full time. Teaching in London, around the world, from corporate meditation courses, to retreats. And then ended up in the sacred sexuality practitioners training and and here I am. Music has been a huge part of my life since my teens, and is now taking a bigger role once more.
Q: Wow beautiful, and how did it feel to find this path?
A: A reclaiming of my voice, my power, my sovereignty, and my wild woman.
Q: That must have felt amazing. And why Hermanas?
A: I was invited to a Hermanas women’s circle by a dear sister when I first moved to Ibiza. There was 30 women in the whatsapp group back then. I had just landed on the island and I was like “Oh, my, thank God. A a way of connecting with women and meeting friends and find out what's going on! yes!” I'm a nomad, I travel a lot and everywhere I go, the first thing I do months before even arriving to a place is join the Hermanas group just to get a sense of it.

Q: What does community mean to you? A: Community is resonance between a group of people. There's an harmonious frequency that runs between people that create their own ecosystem. And everyone has their roles, there's this common thread of intention of communication of alignment and what they stand for. Being in collaboration and not comparison and competition is a really key one for me. The regeneration piece is really important for me at the moment in all aspects, actual regeneration in terms of our ecosystems and the way we run business and the way we work and are in community.
Q. Beautiful, and what is important to you today? A: I feel that we've all become really good robots, so how do we reconnect? For me, it’s through reconnecting to the land. And the earth and people. My music is really seeding that message as well. And hopefully we can start to let go of a lot of the programming and messaging and conditioning most of us have kind of been exposed to.
Q: Tell us a question you have been grappling with?
A: I see liberation and freedom as wellness and well being. The question is how do we bring that into our life?