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A Meaningful Upgrade for the Hermanas Housing Community

In our constant movement towards improvement, we are uniting our WhatsApp housing groups into four Communities, organized by region:

Europe / USA & Canada / LATAM / APAC, Middle East, Africa

Inspired by your feedback, this change is bound to enhance security, unity and ease in the ways we exchange our homes. Here you will find exactly what it means for you and how to join the Communities of your choice.

Upgrading your Experience

  • Better Navigation: Seamlessly navigate (enter & leave) all housing groups (cities) in your region.

  • Open new locations: Suggest new locations within your region(s), in a single click.

  • Safety & Guidance: Enjoy a harmonious space by adhering to our Housing Communities Guidelines.

Embracing Reciprocity

Since 2019, our Housing groups have provided thousands of women to share their homes efficiently, entirely for free. Behind the scenes, curating these groups has required considerable energy and passion. Now, we invite your contribution to sustain our sisterhood, facilitating its growth in a secure, trusted, and organic manner.


Contributions and Early Birds benefits

For Founding Members of the Mycelium, the access to the communities is gracefully included.

For non-members, we're introducing a ONE-TIME ENTRY FEE for participants

— a symbolic investment to reflect the value, intimacy and reciprocity of our space.

Timing is of essence!

Secure your spot swiftly, as our housing communities hold a limited number of spots. The housing groups will stop functioning as we launch the Communities, on December 1st.

In these changes, we see an opportunity to weave a tighter community spirit.

Your continued feedback, support and love for our sisterhood bring life to these updates.

Thank you for your presence,

With love.



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