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Nomadic Thread Society — business done slowly.

Founded by Nicole Gulotta, Nomadic Thread Society began to pivot as an organization, as passion for style and design turned ever more towards social good through entrepreneurship. She began to work more actively in support and development of other creative, sustainable, independent businesses – from artisans, to entrepreneurs, to established, mission driven brands.


Q: What are topics do you cover within NTS?

A: Independent entrepreneurialism, women's leadership, cultural preservation through heritage craft, slow design, circular product development, fair trade, four pillars of sustainability, SDG's.

Q: Tell us a bit about you and your journey

A: My studies in art history at NYU and general fooling around in the New York City creative scene of the 90’s planted a deep aesthetic appreciation and set me on a curious, humanistic trajectory early on. Twenty five years as a NYC-based fashion and wardrobe stylist followed; an independent, creative, business person was formed.

My tree-hugging nature drew me into the deep end of the world’s heritage hand-made sector in 2009, when I founded Nomadic Thread Society.

I gravitated towards conscious design and business practices from the start, digging into working with heritage textiles in developing communities around the world. Support of artisanship, fair trade, and sustainability became the company ethos. Working from the heart, my business concept coincided with the emerging redirection of global fashion.

These days I apply my cultural curiosity, activist nature, and independent business chops to slow design and business development, along with consulting and mentoring in the conscious design and culture spaces.

I have an anthropological angle on creativity, opportunity, and enterprise. What do people seek, want, make, do, wear? How do they express themselves? What materials are available? How is the work done? And the most pressing question, can this all be done responsibly?

Q: What are the principles that Nomadic Thread Society stands for and why?

A: The topics I listed above are exactly the principles my work is centered around.

In addition, my core belief that "doing one's own thing" is a recipe for self knowledge, love, and satisfaction is a driving force.

Q: Tell me about any “success” stories, do you have a particular story to share that is special somehow?

A: I'm not sure I'd qualify this as a success story, more a delightful expression of divine kismet!

I moved to Menorca from Mallorca in March of this year because it was calling me. After rooting in Mallorca for the preceding year, it was actually a bit difficult to transition here.

One day, the curtain in my room fell down and the repair people were somehow a hotel director and manager that day - they became interested in my sustainability education program as we chatted, with me in my pj's. They wanted to meet again and discuss working together!

In the next room, there were a couple of Danish elders, textile artists, and keepers of ancient flax growing and weaving knowledge at their museum in Denmark, so lovely. They invited me to visit their place, with the idea to create a workshop. I looked at the stars with the astrology loving staff, befriended the slow-food chefs, ran into a few people I knew from the island - all this in just two days. That's what I call a quirky bit of kismet, beautifully paving my path.

Q: Wow, the universe speaking marvels there! If you could describe your vision for your business in one word what would it be?

A: Sustain.



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